Monday, February 4, 2013

Blessings Are Coming...

Hello everyone, I am writing to invite you to join me and a community of caring giving people. This community was bulit on the "people helping people" mentality. We give cash gifts to help each other in these trying times. There are many haters that say gifting is illegal or even imoral. I looked closely into this and found that there are certian people that use gifting to hide their ponzi schems and those are illegal. Pyramid schems have been set up to look like a gifting plan to get people to give their hard earned money. Those are illegal, a true gifting program is in no way illegal. If it was illegal then your act of giving someone close to you a 100 bucks would be a violation of the law but that is not the case. This is not a business or an investing club. It's simply a gifting organization. As far as the IRS is concerned they have rules about giving or gifting. They state that if you give anyone more than 13,000 dollars then anything above 13,000 dollars is taxable by you the giver. So if you give 13,500 dollars than the 500 over is taxable and you the giver would have to pay tax on the 500 dollars. Now if you are the one receiving the gift then you can receive 1 million or up to 5 million tax free. this includes cash or anything of value, ie estates ect.
2010 Blessings had been helping people to come together and give others a helping hand, and you can also be helped by the community. They have been helping people since September of 2009. That's 3 and going on a half years now. If this was illegal it would of been shut down years ago. I'm putting a link in here of a video that explains how this works and I'm including a link to join me if you so desire. Thank you for your time.

                                           2010 Blessings Explained
     Join me by going here, 

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