Monday, October 22, 2012

Fire Season, Here We Go Again...

now all Smokey has to do is find all the environmentalists and kick their asses for not leting the Forest Service do their job's thining the overgrowth and the trees growing to close together. These damn wild fires burn out of control because these idiots r telling the government that it's not good to thin out all this brush and trees, they say it's killing animal habitat and other stupid bull shit like that. Well just how much damage does a fire do n how many animals lose their lives in these fires people lose their homes. If this shit keeps up we're not going to have a Froest or oxigen to breath. environmentalists need to be out lawed and or shot on sight... back when I worked for the Forest Service we could get a handle on a fire real quick, but we thined and cut brush n put it in piles to burn when the snows came, can't do that anymore, they won't let u cut down all those lightning rods called snaggs (dead standing trees) n thats a fire danger also, people need to speak up cuz it's true only u can prevent wild fires by telling the government to go back to proper Forest Service...when u see a wild fire this fire season, n u will thank an environmentalist, or kick their ass...this has been my personal rant...