Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weird Trick To Lose Belly Fat...

SUBJECT: 3 Tips for leaning up your midsection
SUBJECT: 3 Tips for losing stomach fat
Today I want to give you my three best tips for losing the fat around your midsection. By just doing these three things, you can easily lose weight and get closer to your goal of six pack abs.
The program I recommend all my clients follow to get six pack abs is called “Truth About Abs” by Mike Geary. This is the program that got me my six pack, and it’s gotten thousands of other guys abs as well.
Check out Mike’s free video explaining the Truth About Abs system here:
Tip #1: Control Your Liquid Calories
When we think about cutting the fat on our bellies, the first thing that comes to our mind is cutting down on solid food. But one thing that most guys don’t take into account is the amount of LIQUID calories they consume.
These liquid calories are typically totally empty of nutrition, and they can really add up fast. If you’ve been trying to lose weight but haven’t been successful, liquid calories could be the reason why.
Think about it: a soda of the size typically served at restaurants has about 480 calories, all pure sugar.
And the average twelve ounce bottle of beer has about 160 calories. How easy is it to drink 5 or 6 beers without even thinking about it...that’s a huge amount of empty calories which go straight to your gut.
Before you even start worrying about changing what you’re eating, start paying attention to what you’re DRINKING. This means:
- Drinking tea, water, or even diet soda in place of regular soda
- Replacing beer or sugary alcoholic drinks with healthier alternatives, such as a vodka tonic
- Avoiding excess consumption of sugary juices, even though they’re marketed as “healthy”
Tip #2: Boost Your Metabolism BEFORE Trying To Lose Weight
Another thing that will make weight loss MUCH easier for you is boosting your metabolism BEFORE you try and lose weight.
If your metabolism is low, weight loss is going to be incredibly difficult. You’ll have to eat incredibly tiny portions of food every day, and even if you’re exercising all the time you will still have difficulty losing weight.
Your metabolism is the most important factor in your weight loss, bar none. An extremely hard cardio workout might burn 300 calories at the most...but your metabolism will burn between 1500-3000 calories, EVERY SINGLE DAY, WHETHER YOU WORK OUT ON THAT DAY OR NOT.
It’s BY FAR the most important factor – you will easily burn 20x more calories through your metabolism than through exercise directly.’re probably wondering, HOW do I boost my metabolism?

The best way to boost your metabolism is to gain lean body mass (muscle). This muscle will require energy every day to maintain itself, whether you work out on that day or not. This is what will jack your metabolism up, and make fat loss possible.
Back when I used to weight about 160 flabby pounds, I would eat about 1500 calories a day. It sucked – I felt like I was always starving, and I STILL didn’t lose any fat.
Now that I weigh 205 lbs. and I have much more muscle mass, I purposely eat over 3000 calories per day, EVERY DAY. I never gain any weight, because of my increased metabolism.
So if you want to lose weight, first focus on increasing your metabolism through building muscle.
Tip #3: Follow A Nutrition PLAN
Another huge mistake a lot of guys make is that they have no unified plan for their eating. They just try and follow whatever random tips they read off the internet whenever they remember them, and just hope things work out.
The reality is, things never work out when you do them this way. If you don’t have a plan, then you’ll end up eating the wrong foods and you will just gain more fat on your stomach.
The plan that I recommend you follow if you want to get a six pack is Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs program. This is the program that got me my six pack, and I recommend you pick it up as well.
The nutritional plan that Mike lays out is simply the best. It’s realistic and easy to follow – you’ll never feel like you’re starving yourself. But it also produces results, and it produces them FAST.
Check out this video that Mike made called “Weird Tips To Lose Your Abdominal Fat.”
It challenges a lot of popular misconceptions about getting six pack abs, and gives some pretty counter-intuitive tips to get better results. But I can verify that all the information in the video is the real deal.
Check it out now:
P.S. – I also wrote a review of the Truth About Abs program where I detail my personal experience with the program and show you what it will teach you. You can check that out here:

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